

继电器是电路中一个简单而常见的元件.  继电器 are electromechanical 开关 that can be actuated by an electrical signal rather than by manually opening or closing the switch.  This small signal acts as a gatekeeper for a much larger electrical signal.  The ability to have low-power control over a high-power signal is what makes them such prominent electrical components.

继电器 are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an independent low-power signal, 或者几个电路必须由一个信号控制.  There are many different types of 继电器 including but not limited to automotive 继电器, 同轴继电器, 接触器, 机电继电器(emr), 电热继电器(热继电器), 力导触点继电器, 通用继电器, 高频和射频继电器, 混合动力韦德平台继电器, 工业继电器, 闭锁继电器, 低信号继电器, 机床继电器, 水银继电器, 水银继电器继电器, multi-voltage继电器, 过载保护继电器, 极化继电器和非极化继电器, 功率继电器, 簧片继电器, 安全继电器, 信号继电器, 固态接触器, 固态继电器, 静态继电器, 延时继电器, 真空继电器.

VRG Components® can source any electronic parts that are hard to find – in short supply (allocations), 生命的终结, 或者交货期长——尤其是 继电器.  We do this by leveraging our extensive network of carefully vetted, reliable suppliers to provide you with the right components to meet your needs.

我们的目标是提供难以找到的, high-质量 electronic components to maximize our customer’s production processes.  With the ability to source components from more than 500 leading manufacturers, 我们可以确保你的项目所需的继电器.

找到你的电子元件 寻找难以找到的接力棒? 使用零件查找器或与我们韦德注册平台.


A relay is an electromechanical switch that can be operated by an electrical signal.  This electrical signal then acts as a gatekeeper for a much larger electrical signal.  The ability to control a low power signal with a high power signal makes the relay a prominent electronic component.

There are a vast number of relay applications with criteria based on the rating of contacts, number & type of contacts, the voltage rating of contacts, operating lifetime, coil voltage & 电流,包,等等.

  • 继电器 are frequently used in power system networks for controlling purpose, 自动化的目的, 保护目的.
  • The typical applications of electromechanical 继电器 include motor control, 韦德平台应用,如电动燃油泵, industrial applications where control of high voltages and currents is intended, 控制大功率负载, 等等.......
  • Railway routing and signaling are controlled using relay logic and are considered a key application of relay logic.  This safety-critical application is used to reduce accidents and to avoid the selection of conflicting routes by using interlocking.
  • 电梯采用大型继电器逻辑电路.
  • Relay logic circuits are used in electro-hydraulics and electro-pneumatics for controlling and 自动化的目的s.


The sourcing experts at VRG Components focus on meeting your specific industry needs which is the starting point of our comprehensive worldwide service.  Our global team keeps up with the changing industry requirements and complies with these requirements as it pertains to sourcing.  您将得到我们专业专家的支持.



VRG Components is proud to offer reliable electronics components such as 继电器 from major relay manufacturers such as: 

美国zettl      Crydom      ixy      钡镁合金      浸出      欧姆龙      松下      菲尼克斯

Potter-Brumfield      施耐德电气Struthers-Dunn      TE的连接      技术公司      东芝 



欧姆龙 Electronic Components 公司 offers broad range of products that provide advanced device and module solutions centered on 继电器, 开关, 连接器, 和传感器.



TE的连接 (TE)是世界领先的继电器制造商, offering innovative relay products of consistently high 质量 and system solutions.



松下生产电池, 电容器, 电路保护, 连接器, 编码器, 电感/过滤器, 内存, 电位计, 继电器, 电阻, 射频模块, 半导体, 传感器, 和交换机.



ixy (Littelfuse)提供功率半导体, 射频功率半导体, 数字和模拟集成电路, 和继电器.



钡镁合金提供广泛的电容器选择, EMC解决方案, 传感器, 压电设备, 继电器, 压敏电阻和变压器.



东芝's electronic 继电器 provide motor overload and single phase protection, 除了温度监测和电流传感.


In order to make it easy to search through a vast inventory of electronic components, VRG开发了一个零件查找器.  输入零件号并浏览我们的整个库存.  Once you have found the components you are looking for, you can request a quote that fits your needs.  Our sales team will contact you to tailor your quotation for hard-to-find components.

找到你的电子元件 寻找难以找到的接力棒? 使用零件查找器或与我们韦德注册平台.


有许多不同类型的继电器,如 韦德平台继电器, 同轴继电器, 接触器, 双杆双掷, DPST -双杆单掷, 机电继电器(emr), 电热继电器(热继电器), 力导触点继电器, 通用继电器, 高频和射频继电器, 混合动力韦德平台继电器, 工业继电器, I / O模块, 闭锁继电器, 低信号继电器, 机床继电器, 水银继电器和水银润湿继电器, Multi-voltage继电器, 过载保护继电器, 极化继电器和非极化继电器, 功率继电器, 簧片继电器, 继电器配件, 继电器插座, 安全继电器, 信号继电器, 固态接触器, 固态继电器(SSRs), 静态继电器, 延时继电器, 真空继电器, 和更多的.


各种黑色、蓝色、黄色 & 紫色电容元件


A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field. 它是一个有两个端子的无源电子元件.

Electromechanical switch in the form of a toggle switch isolated on white background


An electromechanical switch uses a mechanical action to change the direction or orientation of path continuity within its terminal base.



An electrical connector is an electromechanical device used to join electrical conductors and create an electrical circuit. 大多数电连接器的性别是i.e. the male component, called a plug, connects to the female component, or socket.

VRG Components是您理想的合作伙伴

我们的客户经常承受着快速找到库存的压力.  部件必须符合质量标准并按时到达.

Global customers choose VRG Components for our ability to secure the products they need, 我们交货的速度, 我们的可靠性, 质量, 以及我们持续的客户支持.  In other words, VRG is the essential supply chain partner that can provide you with peace of mind.

  • 无与伦比的全球供应链
  • 快速获得报价
  • 质量集中 & AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015认证
  • 最优质的韦德平台
  • 有竞争力的价格
  • 灵活的付款方式

VRG Components通过AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015认证.  Our Quality Management System contains strict 质量 guidelines and rigorous counterfeit avoidance measures so you can rely on the 质量 of the electronic parts you receive from us.  Get everything you need by contacting VRG Components for your electronic parts needs.

We focus on quickly delivering top-质量 electronics components including 继电器.  Our sourcing team is able to accomplish this due to our extensive global connections with carefully selected suppliers.








韦德注册平台 Industry - Happy female employee wearing protective headwear and white lab coat while working as a manufacturing engineer in a contemporary factory





继电器 are an essential safety element used for railway routing and signaling.


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